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Recruitment instructions for clinical staff

When a child or young person comes to clinic for diagnostic testing for cancer, we would be grateful if you would discuss the issue of donating samples for research using the information leaflets provided.  We have provided a range of leaflets aimed at different age groups - please use the most appropriate one.

We would also like you to take consent for banking using a VIVO Biobank consent form.  There is a form for parents / guardians and a separate form for teenagers and young adults aged over 16.  There is also an assent form for children from 8 years old and over which needs to be accompanied by a signed parent / guardian consent form.

Consent may be given for additional samples to be taken for banking, for surplus clinical samples to be banked or for both. Please make sure that the boxes are initialled and that one box on question 12 is initialled. 

Consent should only be taken by staff who are trained to do so and who have read the relevant background information about VIVO Biobank. A unique patient number sticker should be affixed to the top of the consent form prior to consent being taken. This unique number will be assigned to all samples donated to VIVO Biobank. 

Under the Human Tissue Act 2004, children and young people who are 'competent' may provide consent to the storage and use of tissue for research, regardless of their age.  A parent may give consent if this is what the child prefers or if there is doubt about whether the child understands enough to give informed consent.  In most cases, you will ask parents of children below the age of 16 to provide consent as well as asking children and young people themselves if competent.

Once consent has been given, please place the consent form in the patient's notes, complete the consent section of the patient registration form.

N.B.    Delayed consent: (excerpt from VIVO Biobank protocol v1b)

'In some circumstances it may be necessary to collect samples at the time of a clinical procedure e.g. bone marrow examination, before obtaining consent.  This protocol allows collection and processing of liquid samples and storage either on site or at UK Biocentre for up to 8 weeks whilst consent is obtained. If not obtained by the end of the 8-week period, the sample will be destroyed.'